Explore Success Stories with ENSO AI!
Dive into the heart of innovation, where knowledge becomes success. Discover how organizations that have placed their trust in ENSO AI have unleashed their full potential and implemented successful strategies for transformative results. We turn challenges into successes! Don’t miss this opportunity, contact us today!
Federal Office of Public Health: Intelligent FAQ Platform for Efficient Communication with the Swiss Population
Customized FAQ solution based on the Wisdom Engine
Powerful search with AI-supported dynamic ranking of articles
Centralized knowledge database
Intuitive user interface with a clear and minimalist design
Full integration into the FOPH website
Multilingual, available in 4 languages
Agrisano: Knowledge and Information Management with WISDOM
Centralized knowledge database and group-based management
Intelligent search mechanism: full-text search of content and files
User management via Active Directory interface with Single Sign-On (SSO)
Simple employee communication
On-premise, hosted at the customer’s site
Personal Office of the Canton of Solothurn: Digitized Knowledge with WISDOM
Artificial intelligence helps prioritize content and intelligent search mechanism for relevance ranking
Flexible and easy content management
Active Directory integration
Integration of the knowledge database into the canton’s website
Intuitive management without prior knowledge
XING: FAQ Software for Customer Support
AI-supported dynamic data ranking of FAQs and data
Centralized knowledge database
Integrated with many analysis tools, e.g., NPS score
Display dynamic FAQ lists in other areas of your website
Intuitive management without prior knowledge
Hosted solution for convenient operation
Health Promotion Switzerland: Reorganized Knowledge with WISDOM
Clear structuring of knowledge and linking of various content types such as images, videos, PDFs, and Office files
Intuitive structure based on common social media tools
Sophisticated revision management
Intelligent search mechanism with search suggestions and filtering
Detailed permission and role concept
Sunrise: Digital Workspace for Efficient Working Conditions
Information desktop as a customized workspace
Optimizes the information flow in customer service
Integrated dashboard with all necessary tools and applications
Contemporary and highly flexible customer management tool
Intuitive management without prior knowledge
BSB + Partner: Internal Knowledge Community for Efficient Communication with Employees
Communication and cooperation platform for employees
Powerful search, multimedia creation, and sharing capabilities
Integration into the software and applications the company already uses
Personal profile page leads to more recognition and acknowledgment
User-friendly mobile application to support work anytime, anywhere
Pro Natura: Multi-Site Solution for Easy Management of Large Websites
Ideal for organizations hosting a large number of websites
Modern, visually appealing, responsive web design
Provides a consistent brand image
Unlimited scalability with shared plug-ins and themes
Intuitive content management without prior knowledge
Powerful SEO capabilities, multilingual support
Bioterra: Improved Customer Experience through Data Migration, Interfaces, and Website UX
Reorganization of content types; taxonomy concept, groups and permissions, eCommerce, and ERP system interface
Modern redesign of the website with webshop, magazine, event calendar, and newsletter
Roles/permissions: revision and reconstruction of the entire roles and permissions system
SEO optimization with connection to Google Analytics